Friday, April 15, 2011

Critique of the Curtis Elementary School case study

I used the following 8 criteria to critique the Curtis Elementary School case study:

  1. Area of focus - Jonathan's research was directly related to teaching and learning.  However, I felt that the focus was rather broad (how an "altered curriculum" affects student performance).  I believe he should have further defined "altered curriculum" in this paper.
  2. Research Question - The question was apparently answerable given the researcher's expertise, time and resources.  He did a good job laying out his year plan to answer that question.  However, again, I kept looking for exactly what the "altered curriculum" was!  I think he should have been more explicit and explain exactly what he did differently so that others could also implement his "altered curriculum."  I understand that he "enhanced vocabulary development" through several activities, some of which he vaguely alluded to in his "Data Collection" section, but there was no comprehensive description of what he did differently to achieve such positive results.  The only explicit thing he mentioned, in the "Action Planning" section, was that he asked his students to look up certain vocabulary words from novel selections.
  3. Locus of control - yes, the area of focus was within Jonathan's control - his own 5th grade reading class.
  4. Data collection - Jonathan's plan included both qualitative (interviews and observations) and quantitative (assessment scores and collection of student work) data.  However, he only included references to the qualitative data in this paper.  He did not include any data on changes in  assessment  scores or mention grade improvements.
  5. Ethics - there was no indication of any ethical challenges
  6. Reflective stance - Jonathan definitely embraced a reflective stance and appears very willing to continue this research throughout following years.
  7. Action - In Jonathan's "Action Planning" section, he lays out his plan to continue with his "altered curriculum" showing his commitment to action.
  8. Action-data connection - The (qualitative) data that Jonathan shared had a strong correlation to his action plan.  I do feel that the quantitative part of his data was missing however.

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